Tuesday, February 26, 2013


“When you smiled you had my undivided attention. When you laughed you had my urge to laugh with you. When you cried you had my urge to hold you. When you said you loved me, you had my heart forever.”

 Thank you,

 KLLL and UMC Childrens Miracle network 

for teaming up together for another amazing year.  Thanks for all the you do in helping out Children's Hospital.  Saving one Child at a time and having the heart and love to share for so many.


Kate, Peter, Ann, Sam. And Libby

Peter, Sean, and Kelsey.  These three amazing people meet 15 years ago.  Peter and Kelsey were miracle kids and fighting to be here today.  Both doing amazingly well.  MIRACLES happen everyday.

Kristen, Peter and Kelsey.  All doing amazingly well and re-united after meeting 15 years ago at one of the first radio-athons.

Peter, Sandy, Kelsey, and Kristen

Peter and Sean trying to see who is the toughest.....You go PETER hehe

Kelsey doing a radio interview.

Four of the original miracle kids from 15 years ago with the KLLL Morning show. Mudd Flapp, Jeff, and Kelli

Kristen and Kelsey such beautiful young ladies inside and out and helping to change the world.

After Refresh, Refurbish, Renew Laugh for the Cure