I was so excited and thrilled to get to photograph this beautiful baby. Jaxson is the cutest little baby ever. He was so willing to do whatever we wanted to do. He would sleep when we needed smile and open his eyes we we asked. HEHE
What a wonderful baby boy. Many blessings to the wonderful parents and grandparents. I know he will never want for LOVE
Waves Crashing on the Shore and the peacefulness of the world. It to some is so quite that they will never hear what it is all about. It is my "Dream and Goal" to be able to share with those that are not able to hear such a beautiful sound.
What a Vacation and celebration of a 50th Anniversary
Oh My gosh. It was a blast to see you all and (TOTAL tripen) to see how much the kids have grown. thanks for letting me share in so much fun with you guys. I cant wait till we all go to Fredricksburg for the Wedding WOOHOO. Love ya mean it.