Life is full of tough decisions. What to eat for lunch, what to do this weekend, or what to be when you grow up. Nearing my 50th birthday, and finding myself out of work when the clock ran out on the sports team I was working for, I was faced with that last question. What do I do with the rest of my life? Forget the part about growing up; that’s not an issue here. I’ve been lucky over the years to have several different careers; news-caster, sports-caster, radio D-J, public relations / marketing / sales director. All related yet somehow very different. So what now? Does the grey hair give me the wisdom to find that perfect fit? That one job I’ve searched for all this time, but have never found? Does God have something better for me? The answer: Yes. The solution: follow my passion. I have always enjoyed talking, sometimes way more than people could handle. What if they actually paid me to talk? How cool would that be? With that in mind, Kurt Kiser Communications was born on Friday. September 19th at 10:11 a.m. That’s when the name was officially registered at the Lubbock County Courthouse; a career was launched in motivational speaking, Along with the speaking comes other forms of communications through radio, TV and even stage. Master of Ceremony, commercials - both forms of communications that I hope to specialize in over the next several years. They say when God closes a door he opens a window. When the Lubbock Renegades folded the door closed. The window of communication was opened up. A new web site www.kurtkiser.com will soon be launched. Along with booking myself, I will also be working with Standpoint Communications, Inc. to book other speakers; entertainers, athletes, former Olympic medalists, former Miss Americas, the list goes on and on. The career may be new, but the tools used in the new career are not. I’ve been talking my whole life!! Mom and Dad always told me to be quiet. Silence was never golden in our house; it’s the spoken word that’s golden and has given me a renewed excitement for the future.